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Paxtang Municipal Building, 3423 Derry Street, Harrisburg, PA 17111
Borough Office 717-564-4770 | Non-emergency Police/Fire 717-558-6900
Businesses and Residents: for special items and additional recycling information. Thank you for helping to keep our borough clean.
Dauphin County Recycling Center
Electronics accepted at the Dauphin County Recycling Center.
Dauphin County Recycling Schedule of fees/items collected.
Highlights of the Paxtang Borough Burning Ordinance:
Burning: the igniting of any material to cause flame, smoke, embers, hot ash or residue, in combination or individually.
Burn Container Cover: metal screen with spaces not more than ½ square inch, covering the entire burn container opening.
Permissible Burnable Materials: Propane, natural gas, charcoal, and wood (paint free, chemical free wood. Note: wood products such as composition board or flakeboard are NOT permissible for wood burning)
No burning of any kind shall be conducted within the Borough unless that burning has as its expressed purpose either cooking, food preparation, leisure or recreational enjoyment.
The burning of paper, grasses, green twigs or leaves is prohibited. Also prohibited is the burning of any materials that give off any acrid, obnoxious or toxic odors, or emit heavy smoke. Any other materials that do not comply fully with the intent of this chapter or otherwise create a nuisance to people or animals are strictly prohibited.
No burning permitted on a “red flag day” as defined and designated by the National Weather Service.
Burning shall be attended at all times by a responsible individual 16 years of age or older until all combustion is extinguished.
No burn container shall be used with 15 feet of any building or structure. No burn container shall be used with 15 feet of any property line or public sidewalk area. No burn container shall be used without the proper cover in place.
No burn container designed for food preparation shall be used under a roof or building protrusion, such as but not limited to a deck porch, overhang, or soffit or within six feet of any building or structure.
Additional details about this Chapter 151 (Open Burning) of the Paxtang Borough General Code, including enforcement, violations and penalties, may be found at www.Paxtang.org, under Council Documents.