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Paxtang Municipal Building, 3423 Derry Street, Harrisburg, PA 17111
Borough Office 717-564-4770 | Non-emergency Police/Fire 717-558-6900
About Paxtang:
Learn about our past, present, and opportunities for the future.



Paxtang's Past.
The Paxtang Borough was Incorporated July 3, 1914.
Paxtang originally existed under Lancaster County and after a later division, became a municipality in Dauphin County.
See the Paxtang Historical Society for details on the history of Paxtang!
Ask about the book, "Paxtang Memories"!





Paxtang's Present.
Paxtang Borough is nestled just east of the capital city of Harrisburg. Paxtang continues to evolve and change with the times but it holds on to its small-town feel, with a true sense of community. Residents can be found strolling down the sidewalks, visiting the local eateries, or enjoying the parks and the Capital Region Greenbelt. It is home to historic homes and well-known structures, like the Paxtang Municipal Building, Paxtang Elementary School, and Paxton Presbyterian Church. Events and activities are attended by many in the region such as Halloween parade, Lions Pancake Breakfast, Tree Lighting and various social events that foster the "hometown" atmosphere. In a half-mile radius, the borough has approximately 1,650 residents, with over 700 households and 100 businesses.
Paxtang Borough Council, together with the Mayor, made a commitment for inclusion as a fundamental aspect of our community, and pledges active efforts to seek to achieve that goal, and urges all citizens of Paxtang Borough to join together to support this effort.
Learn more about Paxtang's Community by visiting the following websites:
Opportunities for the Future.
Please contact the Borough Manager to discuss any ideas you may have for keeping Paxtang a vibrant community.